What To Expect

Going to the dentist is always a daunting prospect. We are here to make it as caring as possible, every step of the way.

First appointment

This is our chance to welcome you to the practice. Its the starting point for you to explain your concerns or problems. After this appointment, your general options and the next stages will become clearer and a full treatment planning appointment will become available to you.

Treatment planning

Complex, high quality dental care takes time to assess, plan and identify the most appropriate solutions to meet your needs. This stage involves collecting detailed records, photographs, X-rays and information related to your oral health. After this, time is spent bringing everything together, so that a treatment plan can be developed that meets your needs. Any financial investment will be included at this point and can be spread out over the course of the treatment. Payment plans are also available so you can choose what’s right for you.

Delivery of care

Once you are comfortable with the treatment plan and have decided upon the care you wish to receive, appointments are booked that allow time to deliver your care in a way that suits your needs and requirements. The most important part is that you feel involved in the decisions made and that you are comfortable with the treatments carried out. You are very much in control and we want to make sure that you have the best possible experience under our care.


Fit and forget is not the best way to deliver or receive treatment. Nothing lasts forever, but with the appropriate follow-up and aftercare advice, it is possible to make sure that you get the best out of the treatment delivered. You will be given a personal plan that guides you how best to look after the treatment that has been carried out. This includes information related to any guarantees that may exist. long term follow up is also important as it allows treatments to be quality assure for the benefit of all.