Gum Plastic Surgery

Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery

Many people are often concerned about gum misalignment or excessive tooth length and sensitivity due to gingival recession. Our team is specially trained to conduct advanced surgical techniques including flap and graft procedures to treat gum recession around teeth and implants.  We also treat gummy smiles (excessive gum showing) that is sometimes unsightly when a person is smiling or speaking.

The restoration of receding gums is possible by mucogingival plastic surgery – giving an impeccable aesthetic result, in other words we can make long teeth look shorter without touching the tooth structure itself. Also, in cases of short teeth a procedure known as crown lengthening is done to make it longer.

Sometimes the smile can be dramatically improved in appearance through gum treatments leaving the teeth alone.

Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery

Gum Depigmentation

Gum or gingival depigmentation is a cosmetic dentistry procedure used to remove dark spots on the gums. While the normal gum color is pale pink, abnormally high amounts of melanin can cause dark spots and patches to appear on the gum tissue. This condition can effect the appearance of your smile and result in decreased confidence and self-esteem. A variety of techniques exists to remove gum pigmentation, also known as black gums. Some doctors utilize chemical agents or bleaching solutions.

At Summit Dental Care , we use depigmentation by Soft Laser. This method of treatment does not remove the structures causing the overproduction of melanin, a higher likelihood exists that the condition will recur than with surgical methods.

Gum Depigmentation